Mark Visser is a highly passionate and experienced facilitator who has an extensive background in elite sport, the corporate arena and leadership teams across a broad range of industries. Mark’s focus is on mindset development, processing fear, stress and advanced emotional intelligence training.
Tailored to business professionals, corporate teams and individuals wanting to gain the edge in the moments that matter. We encourage a team building experience based on the excitement of big wave surfing and underwater submersion for any skill level. This is a memorable experience that breaks down the science of what we are capable of when we exit the over-thinking mind, leaving you motivated and ready for any challenge.
If you would like to customise your experience with a keynote presentation, masterclass, workshop or one day course, please email so we can discuss your options.
“Still buzzing from the leadership training day with Mark Visser. We followed up the keynote with the Ocean Warrior workshop but if all we did was the keynote, I figured we had received great value already for our team. I thought Mark’s keynote & workshop was amazing, challenging & inspiring so not only served as a perfect fit to our team, but the lessons from the Ocean Warrior training dovetailed so well into our leadership development program. This experience & lessons will serve us well in our business. Could not be happier with the experience and the impact on the team. Truly world class! ”